Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away - Lasher Extended Family

When Joan, a classmate from Perry Central, and I started looking for dates to meet up for an extended family shoot, the best date for everyone was the day before Easter.  Now, everyone in the area knows that this Easter season has been wet and stormy....rain, rain, rain, tornadoes, thunder storms -- and so, as the day approached we were putting together contingency plans and crossing our fingers! 

As it turned our we go soooo lucky!  A break in the rain, very comfortable temperatures and gorgeous light - and the family all cooperated so nicely.  Just as we wrapped the last group and finished off the shoot - the storm broke and the deluge began again. 

Oh, but before I forget, I must give a shout out to my friend, orange shirt, who showed excellent potential as a photog assistant - thanks for the help!

Then we have this beautiful lady who is at the heart of the whole bunch...

And I just couldn't resist adding the couple of shots below.  

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